Damn, welp...you got me when that beat dropped @ 00:50. <3
Love the liquid synths and orchestra. Between it and your art inspiration, it makes me feel like we're going on a trip to see Atlantis itself. xxx Very colorful with a wide soundscape. Very well done rises and falls, and the breakbeat is paired incredibly with the bass and strings. I think in some spots, the strings get drowned (no pun intended) by the drum n' bass, and could've been pulled more to the front to shine, and the song kinda ends abruptly (to my tastes), but that's me asking for further polish on an already Turtle Waxed-(poetic) piece of prime music material. I don't have much more to say other than it was a real treat and privilege to hear this song.
Good luck in AIM 2022! :) Have a good one.