Hooray for first blog posts!--but let's keep it simple:
My question to people who put their works in the audio portal and get scouted / placed on the front page...how do review scores and comments work for you all? I ask because I've been looking at my own analytics and it's been...bothersome, to say the least. What seems to do 'well' in the eyes of the user-base (for me, at least) is techno, EDM, and anything sort of hip-hop that I do. Anything beyond those genres get middling results at best, and I am unsure if it's just "I'm not good enough" or "they're just bad." And most reviews are silent, and come with the caveat of no comments, so I don't know whether or not those two points are even valid or true.
I just noticed this especially recently with my AIM 2022 song... I'm past bewildered at the flip-floppy results between songs I post, and more just intrigued at this stage...
So I open the floor now to guys here in the audio portal: is it just me or is this just how NG do? AND how do you guys deal with it and get more exposure? I mostly post on NG to get feedback and improve my craft. I don't care for or am bothered about clout chasing, and I am aware of the phenomenon called "review bombing" (some people spoke to me in private about that last year during NGADM and the NGUAC.) I mean, getting followers I guess comes with time, patience and just throwing your work out there (and reviewing others' art and songs), but yeah.
Realistically, I'm just curious at this stage and wanted to have a discussion, haha (and probably just waft in the copium of this process and how to deal with it). ♡ Have a great day to those who read this uh...semi-rant...? XD And a hello to those who reply!
It's my first post here, so uh...be gentle. XP
I wouldn't be too concerned about track scores, as pieces which get front-paged tend to attract a small number of users with very high voting power who decide to just 0-bomb absolutely everything in sight for seemingly no reason at all. If you're online more often around the time of one of your tracks getting front-paged, keep a note of not only your score/votes ratio, but others on the front-page aswell. What you'll find every single time is that if your own track score goes down massively in one vote, everyone elses is aswell around the same time. It happed the other day when all of our AIM tracks were front-paged, and it ended up with around 15-20 tracks being downvoted all at once. So it seems less likely that someone's doing it for easy-XP, and more the case out of spite.
Main things to do to keep activity/engagement up regardless is to stick close to the audio community, network abit between everyone, and keep on top of entering contests when you're able to!